Jaycee Dugard Memoir – A Stolen Life
“In the summer of 1991 I was a normal kid. I did normal things. I had friends and a mother who loved me. I was just like you. Until the day my life was stolen.”
Simon and Schuster has released A Stolen Life, a memoir by Jaycee Dugard. There is also an ebook and an unabridged audio book, read by Dugard. A portion of the proceeds will go to The JAYC Foundation, which provides support and services for the timely treatment of families recovering from abduction and the aftermath of traumatic experiences. Scroll down for a link to Jaycee’s pinecone jewelry to support the foundation.

About the book : Dugard narrates the story in the present tense, beginning with the harrowing day of her abduction at the age of 11–her confusion, her terror, her absolute powerlessness as Phillip and Nancy Garrido paralyzed her with a stun gun, dragged her into the car, shoved her to the floor, and drove her from Tahoe to Antioch, California, to the dismal backyard compound where she would spend the next 18 years of her life. Scroll down to read an excerpt.
Each chapter is followed by a reflection, in which Dugard, who has been in therapy since her rescue in 2009, reveals her feelings about the ordeal now, as an adult looking back at the suffering of her younger self. Dugard’s writing style is direct and lucid, filled with detail; the naturalness of her writing is all the more impressive given the fact that her formal education stopped at the age of 11.
Dugard writes about discovering she was pregnant at the age of 14, and about delivering two baby girls in her back yard prison. She writes about how dependent she was on Phillip Garrido for everything. For most of the first six years of her captivity, she was locked in a soundproof room. Garrido convinced her that he knew everything she did. She lived in fear of getting “in trouble,” certain that he would use the stun gun again.
When her youngest daughter was two years old, Dugard was finally allowed to begin going out in public. By then, she had been so manipulated by Garrido that she believed his terrible lie: that she was safer in the back yard compound than she would be out in the world, and that her daughters were safer there as well. On outings, she avoided looking people in the eye; repeatedly, she mentions her feelings of invisibility.
Through it all, we see Dugard’s attempt to live as normal a life as possible–caring for a series of beloved pets, creating a school for her children, establishing small routines, and later, keeping the Garridos financially afloat by running the family printing business–often while Phillip and Nancy spent their days in a drug-induced slumber. She even keeps a journal, portions of which are presented–in her own childish print–in the book. Later journal entries reveal Jaycee struggling with many of the things any twenty-something young woman struggles with: her weight, her desire to eat more healthfully and be more motivated. These entries are extraordinarily poignant, infused with Jaycee’s longing, all these years after her abduction, to be with her mother; her desire to be free mixed with uncertainty about where she would go, or how she would take care of her children, if she were ever to leave; her confusion about Nancy and Phillip’s role in her life. After all, they have become her “family,” but she desperately wants to be with her real family, to be held once again by the mother whose face she can no longer remember, but whose love she remembers vividly.
Some of her journal entries include lists of dreams she has for her life. Along with taking a hot-air balloon ride, visiting Ireland, and learning two languages, she dreams of writing a best-seller. She has done just that; the day of its release, A Stolen Life hit #1 on Amazon.
Dugard also explains her reason for writing this book: she will no longer hide Garrido’s secret, she will no longer protect him from the truth of what he did to her. Others will know the brutality of his abuse.
This is a heartbreaking book from a brave and unbelievably resilient young woman, who now looks forward to a normal life for her and her two daughters. It is also inspiring; so much was taken from Dugard, and yet she has chosen to move forward without hatred. While she still experiences loneliness, she writes, she has fully embraced the joys of making home-cooked meals with her family, walking on the beach, and simply being free. Buy the book.
Having done a great deal of research into missing children while writing The Year of Fog, I followed Jaycee’s case with deep interest. One cannot help but be amazed by the fact that she survived and raised her daughters in such harrowing circumstances, and that she has now turned her efforts to helping other families through the J A Y C Foundation. In her interview with Diane Sawyer, which aired July 10 on Prime Time Life, Jaycee emphasized the fact that crimes such as those committed by the Garridos affect not only the victims, but also the victims’ families.
A note about Michaela Joy Garecht: Jaycee’s recovery momentarily gave hope to other parents of missing children–in particular to Sharon Murch, the mother of Michaela Joy Garecht, who was kidnapped from a Hayward, California, parking lot in 1988, and who has never been found. Sharon Murch is still looking for Michaela; read more about her story here.
Excerpt from A Stolen Life:

In the summer of 1991 I was a normal kid. I did normal things. I had friends and a mother who loved me. I was just like you. Until the day my life was stolen.
For eighteen years I was a prisoner. I was an object for someone to use and abuse.
For eighteen years I was not allowed to speak my own name. I became a mother and was forced to be a sister. For eighteen years I survived an impossible situation.
On August 26, 2009, I took my name back. My name is Jaycee Lee Dugard. I don’t think of myself as a victim. I survived.
A Stolen Life is my story—in my own words, in my own way, exactly as I remember it.
View a video clip of Diane Sawyer’s interview with Jaycee Dugard here.
View Jaycee Dugard’s website, The JAYCFoundation, here.
A pinecone was the last thing Jaycee touched before she was dragged into the Garridos’ car two decades ago. It is “a symbol of hope and new beginnings,” she told Sawyer. “There is life after something tragic.” Purchase pinecone jewelry to support the foundation here.
Michelle Richmond is the author of The Year of Fog, No One You Know, Dream of the Blue Room, and The Girl in the Fall-Away Dress.
Related reading:
The Long Journey Home: A Memoir by Margaret Robinson
In Plain Sight: The Startling Truth Behind the Elizabeth Smart Investigation, by Tom Smart
6 Replies to “Jaycee Dugard Memoir – A Stolen Life”
Just finished the book. took me all of 3 days. Your story is absolutely amazing. I am about the same age and I had a pretty crappy life myself, but nothing could ever compare to this. You are an amazing person Jaycee and i wish you and your family the best. I hope you find a way to let go of the hurt and anger and move on with YOUR life. I wish your daugthers the best of luck as well. and hope that they can look past all this and become extremely wonderful woman. !
Just finished your book Jaycee. You did a great job on it. I have been following your story and have been heart broken over it all. You are a very strong women Jaycee. I wish you all the best. “Great job Mom!!! Live your life to the fullest! Kim
I have just finished the book and I usually do not read anything even close to this kind of genere, but his one I had to read. Wow and simply amazing how strong a human can be to survive. I have so much respect for this young woman, very hard to express it in words. Instead of saying you can do it to anyone, I will say JAYCEE from now on. GREAT to read and may she has a very pleasant and wonderful life from now on, she truly deserves the best there is with the most love there can be.
The inner strength, positivity and fortitude of this young woman is commendable. I too, watched the interview and was very touched by the way she chose to handle life during her captivity and now, her ability to come out of this sitution and start a “regular” life is absolutely amazing. I think her chlldren provided her more fortitude to face the oppressive and strange conditions she endured. I also think that the whole time there was an angel on her shoulder in the form of her mother–keeping her memory and holding on to the thought of seeing her Mom kept her sane. God bless Jaycee, her mother and daughters and may their lives be safe and happy!
I am asounded by the courage of Jaycee! i watched her interview with Diane Sawyer and it broke my heart. Such a strong spirit and an amazing hopefull attitude after enduring 18 years of hell! I hope Jaycee and her mom and all her family have a glorious life from now on!! Those two kidnappers should have the death penalty!
I am not sure if this is going to Michelle or Jaycee but I want both of you to know that my prayers and goodwill goes out to both of you and that there is hope that you will get better. I was a sexual abuse victim of my adoptive father from about 16 months old until I was about 16 years old. My mind shut down and I literally had no memory of the abuse for most of my adult life until I was held hosage by a mentally ill criminal and his wife for 24 hours ans sexually abused and beaten and threatened with my death and the death of my three children, then the memories of my fathers abuse started to come back to me. I had a break down and was hospitalized briefly, I was very lucky and got a good therapist went through 10 years of cognative behavior therapy. I have recovered and now have a happy life for the first time. I wish you much support if you would like to contact me ask questions or just talk I will email, talk on the phone, or write, what ever you need, I am actually being trained as we speak to be a certified peer counselor in the State of Washington. I will recieve my first certification on the 20th of this month and then another in November. You are welcome to do background checks or what ever on me. I am now physically disabled and have not worked for 10 years but am now improving and may actually be able to go back to work sometime in the next few months. Prior to my disability I worked in the criminal justice system as a paralegal, bail agent, and private investigator. Anyway, I will leave all of my contact information below feel free to contact me or not as you wish.
God Bless and just know people care!
Susan E Kochel
30650 3rd Ave SW
Federal Way WA 98023
253-529-1975 home
253-202-8391 cell
suek98198@hotmail.com email