Tag: Amber alert

Get Amber alerts by text

Get Amber alerts by text

Please go to wirelessamberalerts.org and sign up for wireless Amber alerts. It takes about five seconds, and it could save a child’s life. The Amber alert is one of the most effective tools law enforcement has to track down children in the hours after abduction.

According to Amberalert.gov, “AMBER Alert programs have helped save the lives of 525children nationwide. Over 90 percent of those recoveries have occurred since October 2002 when President Bush called for the appointment of an AMBER Alert Coordinator at the first-ever White House Conference on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children. AMBER Alerts serve as deterrents to those who would prey upon our children. AMBER Alert cases have shown that some perpetrators release the abducted child after hearing the AMBER Alert on the radio or seeing it on television.”

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